vendredi 14 février 2025

Astrology: these 3 zodiac signs struggle to attract luck


Luck doesn't smile on all zodiac signs in the same way. For some, their character is a real obstacle to seizing it or taking full advantage of it when it comes their way.

Find out more about these signs below

The Virgin, eternal perfectionist

At the top of this ranking is Virgo, born between August 23 and September 22. According to astro-love coach Nathalie Marcot, this sign, marked by a constant need for analysis and control, tends to miss out on many opportunities.

"By dreading the unexpected and wanting to foresee everything, Virgos sometimes lack spontaneity", she explains.she explains. And even when she's lucky, "she often thinks it's too good to be true..

This Earth sign, rooted in rationality and pragmatism, has trouble trusting chance. To reverse this tendency, Nathalie Marcot advises these natives to learn to let go.

Cancer, too cautious to take risks

In second place, Cancer, a Water sign, stands out for its tendency to focus on the negative. "Even when lucky, whether in love or at work, Cancer ends up persuading itself otherwise", analyzes the inner connection expert.

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Her need for security and her attachment to comfort often prevent her from stepping out of her comfort zone. This trait is particularly marked in Cancer women," explains Nathalie Marcot. Luck, which sometimes requires effort and adjustment, is not always taken advantage of.

Capricorn, too rational to believe in chance

Finally, Capricorn completes this trio of signs struggling with luck. This Earth sign, known for its seriousness and perseverance, believes only in the power of hard work.

"For Capricorn, nothing happens by chance. If a happy event happens, it's only because they've earned it.says the astrocoach. Their solitary, home-loving nature also limits their chances of provoking opportunities.

These analyses remain general and do not take into account individual particularities, such as the ascendant, the position of the Moon or other elements of the birth chart.

In this way, each individual can influence his or her own destiny by being more open to the unexpected and daring to seize opportunities as they arise.

Luck, after all, can be cultivated as much as provoked.

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